Workshop Simulations

We support business trainers with modern simulation tools

The involvement of training participants is a very big challenge for the trainer. At each training, the trainer must win with a rushing stream of thousands of cases to be dealt with in the mind of each participant. Only then does he have the chance to effectively transfer his knowledge. Commitment is particularly important when the trainer touches on complex topics.

The main problem causing lack of commitment is the pace of the modern world and the rush that leads to inefficient use of time.

Currently, the best option for a trainer is to shorten and simplify the material provided (“less is more”). Of course, this leads to accusations of superficiality and / or triviality of training. As the pace of our lives increases, the problem will only get worse.

If only there was a better way to involve participants without losing the complexity of the knowledge provided, trainers could cut training time by half and increase their substantive value. Then the training participants would make better use of their development time. You can see here a great opportunity to improve the quality of life for many people.

Ignifer Labs

Ignifer Labs
62-090 KIEKRZ POLAND NIP: 6331849614R
REGON: 634484085


Grzegorz Nawara
+48 600216716